Adastrio™ Fungicide
Introducing a brand-new product into an already crowded market is challenging. Going against some of the biggest brands in the business? Even more difficult. That’s why FMC partnered with Curious Plot to successfully launch a new triple mode of action fungicide that addressed a major in-season headache: tar spot and other key foliar diseases. An ordinary approach to launch was not an option.

Our carefully planned rollout began months before growers saw the first Adastrio™ fungicide print advertisement. We started by setting up the internal team for success and building internal belief in this new tool in the product portfolio. This pre-launch effort included a team webinar complemented by brand messaging, ready-to-use talking points and trial data.
Now ready to hit the field, the external launch began with Hefty Field Days. Hefty Field Days is one of the largest outdoor farm shows in the upper Midwest and hosts over 11,000 growers and industry leaders annually. While this event is classically a sea of standard event tents, we erected a geometric dome to stand out and draw growers in. Once inside, growers interacted with prominent signage and materials with reasons to choose Adastrio fungicide. Just outside the dome, a demonstration plot was planted earlier in the year to bring Adastrio fungicide’s performance to life.
Following the event, we launched a significant awareness effort, flooding corn grower paid and earned media, which drove audiences to the FMC website to learn more.


Our task with the Adastrio fungicide launch was to generate brand awareness and interest in year one, and we achieved this. While a small amount of product was available to purchase, it sold out quickly, making this introduction a resounding success.
The unique event presence with the geometric dome at Hefty Field Days was clearly a pinnacle of the effort. Its uniqueness helped the FMC team have conversations about this innovative fungicide and created buzz among growers.